- Legends of Pokemons http://www.lop.pun.pl/index.php - The Hoenn League http://www.lop.pun.pl/viewforum.php?id=19 - Mauville City, Electric Gym, Leader Wattson http://www.lop.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=34
Karez - 2011-08-07 12:01:01
Leader Wattson
Nazwa Pokemona: Voltrob Typ: P¯: 195/195 Poziom: 20 Ataki: Sonic Boom, Spark, Rollout, Selfdestruct
Nazwa Pokemona: Magneton Typ: P¯: 210/210 Poziom: 23 Ataki: Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Sonic Boom
Nazwa Pokemona: Magnemite Typ: P¯: 205/205 Poziom: 22 Ataki: Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Supersonic, Sonic Boom